Real-Time Design (eBook)
This is my three-year degree thesis which has Notch as its subject and its inclusion in the world of real-time design. Starting from a historical part, which traces the first phenomena of live performance in the 80s; up to the present, where Notch is one of the software protagonists of the world of real-time design.
The thesis ends with the project, the JoyCut concert in Xr, documented HERE
"Immediately I was attracted by the potential of Notch and the ease in making anything, especially for me who was only using Resolume and had no experience with node design programs. From fall 2019 I start to dedicate myself to Notch almost every day, to learn it as much as possible and to be able to apply it on real projects; in fact in the following months we used it in the last date of Thegiornalisti at Circo Massimo Rome, at Club to Club in Turin and in some video mapping and events in Bologna; I deepen more and more the software and what gravitates around it as the community of Notch designers, the most known Notch designers and its various applications. So, at the beginning of 2020, I decided to dedicate my research and thesis project to Notch, going to deepen everything about the new frontiers of real-time design, the history of its development, the technologies and tools used by Notch designers."